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BILT Europe 2017 - Danemark

Informations sur l'événement
Titre de l'événement:
Date / heure de l'événement:

5 Oct 2017 11:00


8 Oct 2017 01:30

Description de l'événement:
BILT is an annual event, run in multiple regions around the globe, designed to cater to the needs of those who design, build, operate and maintain our built environment. As a community of professionals, it is dedicated to improving the way industry works together.

As an educational and networking event, BILT provides a variety of opportunities to learn and share, to probe and challenge, to listen and to be heard. Our sessions focus on the use of best-in-class tools, processes and workflows, behaviours and leadership.

BILT Europe is more than a conference. It's a community of business leaders, thought leaders, innovators and implementers, that share the same passion and get together in a unique environment to share their expertise and to aid in the quest for a better, smarter industry, and a stronger, more sustainable built environment.
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